Friday, November 13, 2009

What is up with pictures!?

i can take pictures, but when it comes to being in them, i suck!

i look awful in almost every ONE!

can anyone give me tips to look better in pictures?

i usually straighten my hair, but i have blemishes, and just no natural beauty! i don't want to lie and give someone else's picutre, but idk what to do!

but i was thinking of putting my scarf to cover my mouth/nose, or wear my roleplay head band to cover some features

and don't day "it's all in your head" cause i don't really care! i just want above average beauty in a few pictures!


What is up with pictures!?

I wish you had posted a picture... To get an idea..

Well.. I am SURE you have some natural beauty. You probably just don't see it yourself. We can be really quick to be self critical.

I do know how you feel, though. It is SO hard for me to get a picture of me that I ven half way like.

Just play around with makeup, props, your mirror and a camera. Try different looks.. Expressions.. Angles.. Different lighting - regular room lighting, low light (maybe a lamp), candlelight... Natural light - outdoors pictures. Find what suits you best.

You can have fun with it.. Take a lot of shots, until you get something you like.

And, try not to be so hard on yourself.... =)

What is up with pictures!?

"Actors, stand up comics and public presenters practise expressions and poses in front of mirrors all the time. Why? So they know what they look like when they are making a face or gesture.

That theory can be applied to photography. If you know how it feels to make an expression/pose you're happy with, you can do it again and again. Make an expression you'd be happy to see in a photo, remember how it feels to make that face. Try making that face looking away from the mirror and, still keeping that, look at the mirror to see if you got the desired result. Rinse. Repeat.

Sounds like a lot of work but it really isn't and it's just good to know what facial expression you're projecting on others even when you're not getting your photo taken."

What is up with pictures!?

you can try retouching your pictures...thats why in all my pictures i dont ave any pimples or blemishes =) it has a zit and blemish remover its under draw the last 1 on the list

What is up with pictures!?

some people just aren't naturally photogenic

try working with different angles and if you really want to you can always photoshop the blemishes out online.

What is up with pictures!?

Well maybe you just need good makeup to cover your blemishes. I use covergirl not the liquid, but the powder compact. And for your eye makeup, follow this girls instructions. She shows you step by step how to make your eyes really pretty.

Pick anyone that you like, trust me it looks so cool when you're done.

Have fun =)

What is up with pictures!?

you are probably not photogenic. All you need to do is practice .. take some pictures at home and see in where you come out the best, what i mean is how you put your head (do you need tilt it or keep it straight), or how you smile, of how you stand or how to put your eyebrows... then pick some positions whichever you think is the best and then when it come to taking pictures with your friends you'll know in what position u look the best

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